Technical name:- Pymetrozine 50% WG
Pymetrozine is a novel insecticide with different chemistry which provides powerful control against Rice plant hoppers. Chess can also control all stages of Aphids and whiteflies.
Mode of Action:-
Insect feeding behavior is disrupted with a direct effect on the nervous system with permanent inhibition of feeding of a treated plant host.
Chess has got an excellent penetration ability and can overcome rain fastness. Acts as contact, stomach poison, translaminar, and systemic.
Helps in the improvement of crop quality.
Low impact on the environment and is recommended for IPM.
Highly selective and no problem for beneficial insects.
Quick action and results can be seen within 2 hours of spray.
Easy to handle and no dust is produced while using.
Dosage:- 15 to 20 Gm for 15 - Liter water.